Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Center in Orlando is open to all.  The teachings of Buddha provide methods for everyone, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, occupation, religion, philosophy, way of life or background. Everyone can benefit from these teachings without exception, and everyone is welcome. We welcome people from all faiths and those who do not follow any faith. You do not have to be a Buddhist to take part in the program or to benefit from our meditation classes.

Our aim is to provide an opportunity for everyone to grow spiritually regardless of who they are and where they come from. We belong to an international organization with an appreciation for diversity, and with a global vision for peace.

Buddhas  love all beings unconditionally and without exception, and our community strives to  embody this quality through our actions. Our teachings are designed to break down the barriers between people, showing how we are all fundamentally equal at our core in wishing to be happy and free from suffering. We provide the methods by which we can learn to accept and appreciate one another, leading to harmony in our relationships and society.

Some our sangha enjoying a variety of classes and events at Vajrapani Center in Orlando and beyond.