Special Events at Vajrapani Center

You are welcome to our Buddhist meditation retreats in Orlando. We offer Saturday morning retreats every month, community volunteer events, workshops and both day and weekend retreats as well as empowerments and refuge vows at our  Center.  Check our calendar and enews for upcoming events.

These are opportunities to take your practice deeper and learn about specific Buddhist practices.  Some events are just 4 hours, all the way to week long events.  You stay as long as you can.  There are multiple benefits from attending such as reducing distractions and improving your concentration and increasing your familiarity with peaceful and positive states of mind.  These events are also wonderful ways to meet like-minded people who share the same interest and are supportive of spiritual practice.

Regional, National & International Kadampa Buddhist events.

Every year the New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU) organizes three International Festivals of modern Kadampa Buddhism taught by senior Teachers.

These Festivals provide a precious opportunity to study and practice the special presentation of modern Buddhism taught by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, the Founder of the NKT-IKBU.

The Festivals consist of teachings, empowerments and meditations, with short retreats to finish with. Everyone is welcome to attend regardless of experience.

Besides the teaching and meditation program, the Festivals also provide a precious opportunity to meet and practice with like-minded people from all over the world.

Check this site for our International Kadampa Buddhist Festivals.

Special event at our Center in Orlando

These pictures are from events at our National Kadampa Temple in New York.

Some of our community members enjoying at special events.